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Stephen King Newsletter 6-18-2012

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In This Issue: June 18th, 2012 
•   Stephen King and Joe Hill Rare Variant Issues!
•   Road Rage No. 3 Variant 1:10
•   RARE VARIANT - ROAD RAGE #1. 1:25 King Cover
•   Road Rage No. 4 Variant 1:10
•   Stphen King and Hill Road Rage 1:10 Color Variant Cover
Stephen King and Joe Hill Rare Variant Issues!

My family and I recently got back from a week in Seattle visiting our son Clay. We had a wonderful visit and we got to see quite a bit of Seattle and Redmond. Clay works at Microsoft, so we finally got to visit their campus. Nice place to say the least. One of the cool surprises was the horror and sci-fi museum where they have all kinds of film artifacts on display. I was quite impressed. Mick Garris even lent them his outfit from Michael Jackson's THRILLER video (yes, he was in that). As you know, anytime I go away I'm always swamped when I get back catching up, but I've been adding a few photos everyday to my Facebook page. Stop on by and check it out. I took almost 800 pics, so I've weeded it down considerably to show the highlights.

"Road Rage" by Stephen King, Joe Hill, and Richard Matheson has reached it's four issue set and we've shipped them out. The free card is coming to you separately this week. We have some rare variant covers that we have offered here below. The Stephen King & Joe Hill cover is very collectible and it is the rarest of the Variants as they didn't release that many.

Take a look around and let me know asap on these as they are all in stock, but are small printings as all variant printings are.

That's it today and I'll be back real soon with more news and views. OH.. and hey, check out our Stephen King Catalog page at Facebook.. I'm always adding news and updates there and this week features a lot of news about the Rock Bottom Remainders last show coming up on June 22nd.

Y'all keep on Shining!


Dave Hinchberger
Owner, Overlook Connection Bookstore and PRess


Visit STEPHEN KING CATALOG over on Facebook HERE!
See our pics from REDMOND, SEATTLE, and The WILDS OF WASHINGTON on Facebook!
RARE VARIANT - ROAD RAGE #1. 1:25 King Cover


Rare Cover featuring Stephen King and Joe Hill on Variant Cover!

(W) Stephen King & Various (A) Nelson Daniel (CA) Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto Stephen King & Joe Hill, Chris Ryall (w) o Nelson Daniel (a) o Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto (c)

OVERVIEW: Acclaimed novelist/Eisner-winning graphic novelist Joe Hill collaborated with his father, Stephen King, for the first time on a tale that paid tribute to Richard Matheson's classic tale, Duel. Now, IDW is proud to present comic-book tellings of both stories in Road Rage. First up, is the Hill/King adventure tale, Throttle! Adapted by Chris Ryall alongside Hill & King and featuring art by Nelson Daniel (Joe Hill's The Cape), Throttle tells the tale of a motorcycle gang pursued by an unseen assailant in a big rig!

== $75.00 + shipping

2012 Issue No. 1 Variant 1:25. Sealed with acid-free backing board for complete archival protection.


Road Rage King / Hill Cover Variant - Order HERE!
Road Rage Varaint 1:25 featuring Stephen King and Joe HIll - Order HERE!
Stphen King and Hill Road Rage 1:10 Color Variant Cover


(W) Stephen King & Various (A) Nelson Daniel (CA) Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto Stephen King & Joe Hill, Chris Ryall (w) o Nelson Daniel (a) o Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto (c)

OVERVIEW: Acclaimed novelist/Eisner-winning graphic novelist Joe Hill collaborated with his father, Stephen King, for the first time on a tale that paid tribute to Richard Matheson's classic tale, Duel. Now, IDW is proud to present comic-book tellings of both stories in Road Rage. First up, is the Hill/King adventure tale, Throttle! Adapted by Chris Ryall alongside Hill & King and featuring art by Nelson Daniel (Joe Hill's The Cape), Throttle tells the tale of a motorcycle gang pursued by an unseen assailant in a big rig!

== $39.99 + Shipping

2012 Issue No. 1 Variant 1:10. Sealed with acid-free backing board for complete archival protection.


King and Hill Road Rage 1:10 Color Variant Cover ORDER HERE!
Stephen King & Joe HIll - Road Rage No. 1 Color Variant  1:10  - Order HERE!
Road Rage No. 3 Variant 1:10

by Richard Matheson

(W) Stephen King & Various (A) Nelson Daniel (CA) Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto Stephen King & Joe Hill, Chris Ryall (w) o Nelson Daniel (a) o Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto (c)

OVERVIEW: The Tribe have done some baaaad things in their time as a motorcyle club, but surely nothing deserving the full-on assault by an insane trucker in an oil rig! Throttle, the story by acclaimed novelist/Eisner-winning graphic novelist Joe Hill and his father, Stephen King, ensure that the road will run red before it's all over!

== $9.99 + shipping

2012 Issue No. 3 Variant sealed with acid-free backing board for complete archival protection.


Road Rage No. 3 Variant - Order HERE!
Road Rage No. 3 Variant 1:10 - Order HERE!
Road Rage No. 4 Variant 1:10
ROAD RAGE #4 (OF 4).

by Richard Matheson.

(W) Stephen King & Various (A) Nelson Daniel (CA) Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto Stephen King & Joe Hill, Chris Ryall (w) o Nelson Daniel (a) o Nelson Daniel, Phil Noto (c)

OVERVIEW: The Tribe have done some baaaad things in their time as a motorcyle club, but surely nothing deserving the full-on assault by an insane trucker in an oil rig! Throttle, the story by acclaimed novelist/Eisner-winning graphic novelist Joe Hill and his father, Stephen King, ensure that the road will run red before it's all over!

== 9.99 + shipping

2012 Issue No. 4 Variant sealed with acid-free backing board for complete archival protection.


Order ROAD RAGE No. 4 Variant HERE!
Road Rage No. 4 Variant 1:10 - Order HERE!
= FOREIGN SHIPPING - Please inquire about delivery rates for any items here and we will send you a PayPal invoice.
= Our order form accepts credit cards securely thru PayPal. You can also mail in your check or money order as noted on the site. Any questions, please let us know.

TRACKING YOUR ORDERS: Only orders placed at the Overlook "web store" can be tracked. In our e-mail flyers you can place orders quickly by clicking the paypal link, but these orders are placed offline in our master system. We place all orders in our master system, which is offline.
TO TRACK orders and / or reserve books please place your order online. If you wish to reserve a title put "Please Reserve For Me" in the memo field when checking out and do not complete payment. We'll notify you when funds are due. I hope this helps. Any questions, please let us know.

Thank you and "We All Shine On!"

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Hiram GA 30141
PHONE: 678-567-9777
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This article was published on Monday 18 June, 2012.
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