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Overlook Bookstore Newsletter 11-20-2010

Visit the New Webstore at the Overlook Connection Thank You Sale No. ONE!
In This Issue: November 20th, 2010 
•   Thank YOU Special Savings Coming All Week Long!
•   $140 OFF THIS E-MAIL SPECIAL! Signed Leather Limiteds!
•   GREAT PRICE! Great Gift Idea! Angels & Demons DVD / Book End Set!
•   Only $1.99! Wildwood Hardocver by John Farris
•   HALF OFF! Jack Ketchum's The Lost DVD Signed Set!
Thank YOU Special Savings Coming All Week Long!

As I type this I've been told by our cat Callie ( in her own cat way that is) that she will sit on my arm while I type this newsletter to all of you. As my wife LeeAnn says, "Callie is rurn't" (ie ruined ). She's been spoiled since birth and it's all my fault. She's a "keepah" as my Maine buddies would say. However, she shore is 'eavy while I'm typing.... time to move the "furr-ball," just to the side there girl ;-).

Our shipper Gene has just gotten out of the hospital today - ten days! He's home now and repairing, but he's going to have to heal for a bit, so it's still me at the helm shipping. I actually enjoy shipping books, but I've got to helm the rest of this boat we call the Overlook too. Gene is okay, but it's going to be a some time to let him heal. Thanks for all the well wishes, I have passed them along to him.

WE ARE NOW ON FACEBOOK! Come on over and "Like Us!" If you are a Facebook user, then you know if you visit our page and you click that you "Like Us" then you will receive updates and news from the Overlook. So click on over a visit, and if you're not part of Facebook, join up, it's FREE! And it will keep you informed on many subjects and friends.

THANK YOU DEALS! Beginning with this e-mail newsletter we will have new deals every two days during this Thanksgiving week. Check them out because I'm offering BIG SAVINGS on lots of items.

Due to pre-orders we are almost sold out of our Glow-In-The-Dark Archival set of Scribner's Stephen King's FULL DARK, NO STARS. The response has been overwhelming. You can still order it though, just go the front page of the Overlook it's the first book you see.

Awright... Callie is snoring (it is 2 am here) next to me - LeeAnn's right.. she's rurn't... (that's pronounced Rurr-n--t said quickly ) and I need to call it a night. Y'all keep on shining and I'll be back in 2 days.

Dave Hinchberger
Owner, Overlook Connection Bookstore and Press

Visit The Overlook Connection Bookstore HERE!

Overlook Connection Now on Facebook! Visit us and
GREAT PRICE! Great Gift Idea! Angels & Demons DVD / Book End Set!

With a Demon and Angel Book Ends!

Numbered Edition!

WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SETS and this is a FANTASTIC PRICE for this set! And you get very cool book ends as well for your book (or DVD ) shelf. This would make a great gift too.

OVERVIEW:In Ron Howards thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth!

This is a new and sealed set and will be shipped in a large box.

$15.79 + shipping.

( Normal list price is $30.00 )

Order ANGELS and DEMONS Gift Set HERE!

Almost Half Off! Angels & Demons with Book Ends Gift Set - ORDER HERE!
HALF OFF! Jack Ketchum's The Lost DVD Signed Set!
Based on Jack Kethums novel by the same name.

OVERVIEW: Its 1969, and the Vietnam War is raging. A rough time for most kids. You either work like hell to stay in school or hightail it to Canada or else Uncle Sam comes knocking at your door and the next thing you know youre slogging through the rice paddies and trying not to think about all those body bags shipping back to the World every day.

Not so for Ray and Tim. Theyve slipped through the cracks. Theyre neither college kids nor grunts. Theyre undraftable.

But Ray and Tim have their own problems.

Murder, for one.

# Signed Special by Jack Ketchum.
# Widescreen.
# Actor/Actress: Marc Senter , Dee Wallace Stone , Megan Henning.
# Director: Chris Sivertson.
# Runtime: 119 minutes.
# Complete movie on 1 DVD Disc.
# Audio Commentary - Jack Ketchum - Novelist; Monica ORourke - Novelist.
# Additional Footage - Audition Footage.
# Outtakes.
# Trailer.
# Text & Photo Galleries.
# Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround - English and Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo - English.

HALF OFF! Only $14.79 + shipping

( Our normal price is $29.95 )

Order THE LOST DVD Signed set HERE!

Over 50% Jack Ketchum's THE LOST DVD - with Signed Plate Photo Set - Order HERE!
$140 OFF THIS E-MAIL SPECIAL! Signed Leather Limiteds!

Leatherbound Signed Limited Edition!

1 of 300 copies.

Signed by EC editor and writer Al Feldstein.

Foreword by Steven Spielberg.

========= AND =========


Leatherbound Signed Limited Edition!

1 of 300 copies.

Signed by EC artist Jack Kamen!

Normal Price is $300 for the set!

SAVE $140!!! === Only $160 + shipping

This is only available in this e-mail special and "not" on our website. You can purchase these volumes seperately at the website for $89.90.

See Shock Suspense Volumes at the Overlook HERE!

$140 OFF!!! E-mail Special Only! Shock Suspense Stories Signed Leather Limited Vol 1 & 2 - Order HERE!
Only $1.99! Wildwood Hardocver by John Farris
WILDWOOD. BY John Farris.


Tyree, North Carolina. Off the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Great Smoky Mountains are imbued by a timelessness that co-exists with the modern world. Except for one place. On Tormentil Mountain, timelessness is a dark abyss, and a long abandoned estate, Wildwood, seems to hang in the midst of that abyss. Four poeple are about to be trapped in Wildwood's mystery: retired Army Colonel Whit Bowers, preparing a feasibility study on the estate's resort potential for Wildwood's corporate owners; teenage Terry Bowers, spending time with his father on a divorce visitation; Arn Rutledge, a hillman and Whit's fellow World War II hero: and Arn's beautiful, sensual Qualla Cherokee wife, Faren. Rutledge is obsessed with the Wildwood legend, which goes beyond all folklore and superstition: in 1916, a mad millionaire's pleasurdome became a lost crypt for a gilded age's rich and famous: since then, the mountain has been haunted by uncanny storms, plance crashes, blue ghostlight, noxious vapors... and baely glimpsed, unhuman creatures from the depth of myth... creatures Arn Rutledge is determined to capture. But no ralization or knowledge can prepare them for what festers in Wildwood: a hellish fairyland: a demented dream made real; a place where genius and jealousy, illusion and vengeance, ancient sorcery and modern science are joined in a nightmare that shatters the borders of reality ... and time....

$1.99 + shipping

FIRST HARD COVER. NY: Tor, 1986. First Edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. Hard Cover. sold as is.

Order WILDWOOD at the Overlook HERE!

Only $1.99! Wildwood by John Farris - Order HERE!
= FOREIGN SHIPPING - Please inquire about delivery rates for any items here and we will send you a PayPal invoice.
= Our order form accepts credit cards securely thru PayPal. You can also mail in your check or money order as noted on the site. Any questions, please let us know.

TRACKING YOUR OWN ORDERS: Only orders placed at the Overlook "web store" can be tracked. In our e-mail flyers you can place orders quickly by clicking the paypal link, but these orders are placed offline in our master system. We place all orders in our master system, which is offline.
TO TRACK orders and / or reserve books please place your order online. If you wish to reserve a title put "Please Reserve For Me" in the memo field when checking out and do not complete payment. We'll notify you when funds are due. I hope this helps. Any questions, please let us know.

Thank you and "We All Shine On!"

PO BOX 1934
Hiram GA 30141
PHONE: 678-567-9777
Web:  Overlook Connection Webstore - Visit HERE!
This article was published on Friday 19 November, 2010.
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